Good news for landlords thinking of converting homes into two flats
A great opportunity appears to be on the horizon for landlords as the government announces plans to make it easier to convert your house into two flats without planning permission.
Published in Magazine on 20 December 2023by Marketing Team
Have you placed your home on the market with the goal of relocating in the new year? If so, you should make sure your home looks irresistible when potential buyers come for a viewing.
Published in Magazine on 24 November 2023by Marketing Team
Interested in buying a leasehold property? Here’s what you need to know
If you are looking for a more affordable way of finding a new home or entering the property ladder, buying a leasehold property could be the best option for you.
Published in Magazine on 24 November 2023by Marketing Team
Your guide to investing in multiple-occupancy homes
Investing in multiple-occupancy homes (HMOs) can be a great way of increasing yields, making them very attractive investment opportunities for landlords.
Published in Magazine on 24 November 2023by Marketing Team
It’s impossible to predict the future completely, so why worry? When homes sell incredibly quickly, this often leads to rapid property price inflation.
Published in Magazine on 24 November 2023by Marketing Team
Your Scottish property market update for 2024 is ready
With so much to offer, from awesome city life to world-famous breathtaking scenery, lochs, glens, mountains, and idyllic coastal retreats, it is little wonder the Scottish market is outperforming the rest of the UK.
Published in Magazine on 24 November 2023by Marketing Team
How is the Scottish rental market looking heading into 2024?
As 2023 draws to a close, it is time to look ahead to the future of the Scottish rental market and how it could shape up over the next 12 months and beyond.
Published in Magazine on 24 November 2023by Marketing Team
How green is your home? The government increases grants for homeowners
Many homeowners and home movers are seeking a higher Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating because they know that it leads to lower monthly bills.
Published in Magazine on 24 October 2023by Marketing Team