Unit 14, Stirlin Place, Willoughton Drive

£7,750 pa
To Let
£7,750 pa
To Let
Jamie Thorpe
Chartered Surveyor
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Property summary

Modern high quality light industrial unit
960 sq ft (89.2 sq m)
Electric roller shutter door
Accessible location from the A1, M180 and A15
Allocated parking
EPC Rating - B43

Get in touch

Jamie Thorpe
Chartered Surveyor

More about the property

Modern light industrial unit measuring 960 sqft (89.2 sqm) sqft available to rent.

Stirlin Place is situated in the popular Foxby Lane Business Park, Gainsborough. 

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Gainsborough is the primary market town within the District of West Lindsey. With a population of circa 22,000 (2021 Census) and significant plans for housing led population growth. Gainsborough benefits from easy access to key transport routes such as the A1, M180 and A15. Rail stations are located within and on the periphery of the Town Centre.
Gainsborough’s Town Centre encompasses service, leisure and retail offerings focussed around the historic Market Place, home to many heritage buildings, and Marshalls Yard retail park a mixed use development featuring well known national and regional brands along with office space (including the offices of the District Council).

The historic heart of Gainsborough is the focus of a significant regeneration programme ‘Thriving Gainsborough 2024’ facilitated by £18m of investment. This includes a new cinema led leisure offer driving footfall into the town centre, impactful public realm improvements, refurbished heritage buildings creating attractive frontages, improved green spaces and a refreshed transport hub. 

Modern light industrial unit measuring approximately 960 sq ft (89.2 sq m) and comprises an electric roller shutter door opening with a height of approximately 3m, in to a warehouse/manufacturing area with a toilet off.
Stirlin Place is a new one acre development by Lincoln based Stirlin Developments Ltd. The development comprises a range of light industrial units, with secure boundaries and electric gated entrance.
Mains electricity and Water are available to the property. None of the services have been tested and interested parties are advised to satisfy themselves in the regard.
The Property is available by way of a new full repairing and insuring lease at an initial rent of £7,750 +vat per annum exclusive.
VAT is chargeable on the rent and service charge at the prevailing rate.
Each building will contribute to the cost of shared services on site. A draft budget can be made avaliable to interested parties.
Energy Performance Certificate
B (43)
Unit 14 is being marketed by sole agents, Pygott & Crone. For all enquiries please contact our dedicated commercial team;
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